Sir Arthur, economic development
is an old joke among the bureaucracy
in the IMF's semi-serious department.
"Consociational democracy"
has been deposed by a grinning adhocracy,
by the Sinons who ascend from the masses,
cheered on by the jawbones of grobian asses.
Derek, Vidia, poetry and prose
these days are "spoken words" and Facebook screeds,
not like the days when men could come to blows
over taunts like "Mimic Man," the dubious deeds
of heroic Shabine, or jousts on donkey steeds.
Your deaths brought murmurs of spurned prophets, but lacked
the traction of Olatunji on X Factor.
SOURCE: Modern, Age, &c, poetry collection by Raymond Ramcharitar, Peepal Tree Press, Leeds, UK, 2020.